for NGOs


your network for climate action

these grassroots NGOs are winning campaign with chilli

launch your
climate mission in less than an hour.

create your profile

our partner NGOs and organizers create entire campaigns faster than a speed date. all you need to do is write a couple of sentences about your cause and plug in actions that are most impactful for your campaign objectives. Sync chilli with key dates to amplify even further, the waves of momentum on your campaign.

Let AI do the heavy lifting

everything from campaign explainers, to creating visuals to crafting emails to your targets - all of it is powered with AI. and it gets better. once you've written key messages for your actions, the AI crafts individually personalized messages for each person who takes action on your campaign.

access a community of 9,000+ climate warriors

for the first time, you have the perfect platform to mobilize an engaged audience that cares deeply about climate action. chilli members have taken nearly 70,000 actions for the planet, and they're not afraid to call out the companies, politicians and media houses aiding and abetting climate breakdown.

Win campaigns & get insights

accelerate your campaign outcomes and dig into the actions, targets and narratives that work best for your campaign objectives.A/B test actions to understand what delivers the most on-ground impact. track real-time how many citizens are taking action on your mission. chat with them directly to get even deeper insights.

access a community of 9,000+ climate warriors

for the first time, you have the perfect platform to mobilize an engaged audience that cares deeply about climate action. chilli members have taken nearly 70,000 actions for the planet, and they're not afraid to call out the companies, politicians and media houses aiding and abetting climate breakdown.

access a community of 9,000+ climate warriors

for the first time, you have the perfect platform to mobilize an engaged audience that cares deeply about climate action. chilli members have taken nearly 70,000 actions for the planet, and they're not afraid to call out the companies, politicians and media houses aiding and abetting climate breakdown.

there's never been an easier way to mobilize your community

save time

what used to take days of prep, now can be done in less than an hour. launch calls to action in mere minutes.

showcase impact

showcase every step of progress and celebrate intermediary wins with all your stakeholders

boost awareness

leverage the voices of 8000+ engages citizens ready to go online to spread awareness and defend your cause

we partner with organizers to deliver serious climate impact.

The East African Crude Oil Pipeline delayed due to public pressure

23 banks and 14 insurers backed out of the destructive East African Crude Oil Pipeline, thanks to continuous public pressure, online and offline. chilli worked hand in hand with the Stop EACOP campaign team around the world to spread mass awareness about each of their offline actions. more than a thousand chilli members participated in the campaign to put online pressure to stop EACOP.

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The Okefenokee Swamp on track to secure UNESCO World Heritage status

we campaigned with a collective of grassroots organizations to ban titanium mining permits in Georgia's Okefenokee Swamp, the largest intact freshwater wetland in North America. through their advocacy, amplified with chilli members, they secured a UNESCO World Heritage nomination for the area, which could influence the Governor's decision on mining permits.

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Scientist Rebellion gains mass support to include the voice of science in climate negotiations

we worked with Scientist Rebellion throughout COP28 season and afterwards to mobilize the public and the media to stand with the growing number of scientists calling for a fossil fuel phase out. chilli members campaigned in solidarity with a jailed activist from the group and together, we applied public pressure and increased media awareness until she was released.

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ready to spice up your campaign?